Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Can you help me with the following regarding anger?

Don't worry about the incident if nothing bad happened to either of you. What would have you done with his vehicle registration? Hunted him down and killed him? Reported him to the police for speeding? I really don't think that they would care that you were ped by one person on a road. The best thing to do would be to just take your mind off of it with thoughts of how fortunate you are that you didn't mess up the situation by rear ending him or something idiotic like that, and also that you were safe from harm.

Queation about coughing baby?

My daughter is 8 Months old. She had croup 7 days ago and has had a runny nose for around 3 weeks. She started with a normal cough about 2 days ago and has tonight coughed so bad she made her self VERY VERY sick. she has also coughed up a little mucas, not sure what colour it was it just looked mucky. she isn't struggling to breath, doesn't really have a temperature and seems ok in herself. Im just worried if i leave it until tomorrow (more than 12 hours) to make a doctors appointment that it will get very bad. Im considering ringing my GP out of hours service but am unsure of what you can ring them for and whether i should just take her to A & E or whether i am just being paranoid and should just let her carry on sleeping, which she is doing now and see what happens. I dont want her to end up REALLY ill. I had bronchitis a few years back that nearly turned into Pneumonia, it was horrid, I dont want my daughter to go through the same.

Why is this a reason for disliking Randy Orton?

I think that people are just trying to find a reason to hate randy orton. I think that you are right when you said that stone cold, boogeyman, and the undertaker arent beleivable eather. People just hate randy orton but cant find a reason why. and thats okay. i hate mark henry and the big show for no reason. =)

Do you get your election news from Jon Stewart or SNL?

I watch both but I get my news from online newspapers and NPR. The Daily Show and SNL are not only entertaining but also often informative. Stephen Colbert also often highlights things that you don't see elsewhere.

Help on a Yorkshire accent?

a director who chooses to direct a play requiring a dialect must be prepared to teach the actors that dialect or find someone who can do that.

What is a safe site for free music?

I have frostwire but for some reason it hasnt been working. So i want to know is there any other website that I can get free music from but it wont spam me?

So how is that "if you draw Mohammed, you die" thing working out for Muslims?

I prefer it when these blooded people (is people the right word?) are on the other side of the seas and not in our midst. Waving their machetes and knives wont bother us then will it? Now we have a Tory government get rid of as many as possible and dont let any more of them in. Believe me we can manage without them,we really can!

What you do know about Germen Shepherds?

I have a Germen Shepherd. Sadie and I want to learn as much as I can! Please share want you know about Germen shepherds.

I have a question relating to the upcoming presidential election...?

To answer your questions...according to the Constitution of the United States of America, the President shall be elected by the electorate vote. We live in a republic, not a democracy which means we abide by a representative vote. A democracy would mean that the mes would rule the country. The founding fathers knew that mob rule was not the answer. People, singular, are smart. People as a m are not. Yes, we have some problems, but they are not with the system it lies with the education of our populist. If we go back to the simple ways of our constitution, we would be a better country as a whole.

When southerners elected former confederates to congress(Multiple Choice)?

C. The Radical Republicans had huge majorities in Congress during Old Andy's presidency and did everything they could to punish the South.

The Nun's Priest's Tale?

While the tale of Chanticleer probably derives from French folklore I think this question really belongs in Literature since its about the plot not the folklore?

Beginning of this year, 16th September will be a national public holiday. What is the significance of this day?

16th of September is the national public holiday for the malaysians. What are the importance and factors of this specific day?

Whats a another good color for a baby girl?

i'm making a baby quilt for a couple who are expecting a girl. so far i have pink yellow and purple on the front. its a square pattern. i need a color for the back of it. i was thinking using a flannel fabric. would that be bad for the baby?

Married man/woman has with someone else?

It's all silly. Ones life is their business. As long as it between consenting adults and doesn't interfere with a soldier's ability to do the job they are being paid to do, then I could care less who they screw. It's not my business, nor should it be the military's.

Alexander McQueen Puma sizing?

my mom said she ordered me Alexander McQueen Pumas in a size 38. I usually wear a size 8 in shoes. will these sneakers fit me?

Can you consider the long-term effects of your actions?

By supporting Judas Rabbi/El Traidor, you are supporting poverty, militant dictatorship, money laundering and selling drugs to school children. Do you want to be part of the problem or part of the solution?

Why do students who attend a school free of liberalism getting higher scores than those that teach it?

Turn schools into basic training type military institutions and I;m not surprised test scores are higher on average. The bigger question is those schools are geared towards a select type of student. Would the average American teenager accept gestapo type teaching? I believe it has little to do with the idea of teaching liberalism and more to do with the strict military type control.

A car turns left from a parking lot onto the roadway and is hit by a 2nd car. How fast was car #2 going?

It wont make a difference how fast he or she was going, the driver that pulled out into oncoming traffic will be at fault.

Christian Music Video???

What should I put for a Christian music video on myspace? I have a footprints background, I enjoy Christian contemporary music. Please, pick something good! Name the artist and song. Thanks!

My advent T9207 keeps restarting at random times when connected to the Internet.?

Make sure the machine is well ventilated, you could be suffering from too much heat. Try running it with the side off to see if this helps. If not and if it is only whilst surfing the net, try using a different browser like firefox etc, if this fixes it, it will more than likely be an IE (or add in) problem. You can then uninstall Internet Explorer and re-install.

What animal could represent a father?

For my father I used a seahorse, because male seahorses are responsible for nurturing and birthing their young

Mama,we all go to______?

Answer if you dare..all answers are tqaken in.But please don't all be Mama,we all go to hell from the MCR song please ^=^ No chances of that being the best orginality.

What does love mean?

I don’t know if I’m supposed to just accept it or fight for it. my bf told me that he’s getting annoyed by me telling him my problems or the same problems each time. I honestly don’t know if I should react really upset, disappointed or like, “so what!” I run to him, I tell him my problems because I know he’s the first person I can talk to and that I can run to. apparently, I can’t. it’s hard to think that when you will need someone to rely onto and to let your heart out, he’s the one I can count on. I’m not perfect and so does he, but all I want for us is to be honest with each other with everything, I mean..EVERYTHING. but now that I know he doesn’t feel that way...he even told me that I should learn to deal with my own problems really hurts. why do we have partners? why do we feel love? why do we have religions? don’t all those have the same common goal? to help each other, to make the other one feel better, to make the other one happy? aren’t we’re all together to make everything ok? then why did he say that? does he love me? he tells me so, but if he does, then why did he say that to me? isn’t it if you love someone with all your heart there are no measurements? isn’t it if you love someone you’ll go against odds? you’ll be willing to sacrifice? you’ll be willing to put up with the heartache? u’ll be willing to listen about their sorrows? willing to be a clown when your bf/gf feels down? isn’t that what love is? nothing is uncool or uncertain? everything falls into place. everything matters. everything is nice. everything you do you know you make him/her feel loved and cared for. I don’t wana doubt his love and most especially of how he cares for me. but him having said all that he did, I doubt that he’ll always be there for me.

What should I do? Should I call him?

Ive been seeing this guy for 4 months now. We have may times. I thought our relationship is just friends with benefits. He confused me sometimes bec of the words he was saying to me like one night that we have . he say you love me, you love me. I dont know if he is asking me or he just saying it and then he said that he wants me. I didnt answer him back. Its been 3 weeks now I havent seen him. He send me txt msg but he never call me. One night I ask him about what he meant the other night about saying you love me, you love me. He answer me, your buddy. And I ask him do u still want me to be around or not? and he said yes. And I ask him if he wants me or not. He said, Only friends yes I do. He is leaving pretty soon on sept to Iraq. He told me that he will figure out things when he come back. What should I do? Should I say how I feel about him? Or just wait for his call. Please advice me.

I need ideas about love or sad songs (rock acoustic)?

As i asked a few minutes ago, i meant i want to write a song but i'm blank with ideas. I like poetic songs with a lot of metaphors and similes

IS this okay to delete on my PC? AVG Found a root kit?

AVG Rootkit Remover has found a rootkit in this file-C:/windows/system32/drivers/UAckmnk… is it ok to delete it?

Help me read this situation I'm at a lost cause. EMERGENCY!!! lol earn yourself 10 points this is easy :D?

OK this guy is basically obsessed with me and I know for certain he likes me. Only trouble is Im a guy and hes a guy. The thing is, whenever I mention the fact he likes me or hes gay he denies it but carries on the same with me. Everyone else has started to notice it and theyve been talking saying they think he gay too. But what do I do? Do I wait for him to come to terms with it or just confront him now? The thing is this has been going on now for two years and recently I lost a bit of weight and a lot of people keep commenting on how hot I am and his obsession and haring of me has got steadily worse. HELPPPPP lol

5 year old sick...on day 2 of illness. Normal sickness or should call MD?

My daughter woke up yesterday sick saying she had to throw up, but only threw up mucus. Throughout the day she threw up mucus 2 more times and then ginger ale once. Her max temp yesterday was 103.3, and even with tylenol every 4 hours, only went down to 100.6 (her lowest temp yesterday). She was able to keep food down yesterday at the end of the day. Now she is up again with another temp of 102.8. Both days she sounds very congested, with sniffing, sneezing and a cough. I should prob tell you all this started with a bad cold, which kept her home from school 2 days last week. But we're getting worse, not better! Any clue what this could be? No snide answers please, this is a 5 year old!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

I have a vision for the 2010 NFL season, do you think it could happen?

The Vikings sign Terrell Owens (free agent) who only wants a championship at this point in his career. They also make a huge offer to Julius Peppers (also free agent) and he signs with Minnesota as well to form one of the greatest p rushing combos ever with Jared Allen on the other side. Terrell Owens has one last break out year with 1,200 Yards and 15 TD's and goes to the Pro Bowl. Adrian Peterson rushes for 1,800 yards and is the best Running Back in football. Brett Favre comes back to play his final year, throws 40 TD's 4,500 Yards and wins the league MVP award. The Vikings go 19-0 behind arguably the greatest team ever embled and Brett Favre finally retires after his 20th season in the NFL and goes out the way a legend should, on top. Do you think this could happen?

Can I still have an MRI if I have microbead hair extensions?

I have MS and need my annual MRI. I wasn't thinking and just paid a lot of money for hair extensions. The MRI receptionist gave me a curt, well they need to come out. I would like a further investigation to see if they really need to come out as I would be losing lots of money/time. I just can't take them out and put them back on that easily. I found out that they are made from soft alloy (according to the hair stylist...I don't think she took chemistry so didn't get the actual names of what made up the alloy) and in looking into it, they are usually copper or aluminum. Does anyone have experience with MRIs and these types of hair extensions? Thanks in advance.

Is there a way to stop having bad dreams, Last night i had a dream..........?

Maybe you shouldnt watch the news or anything negative an hour before you go to sleep.. Studies show that it does affect you

Shelton Benjamin is completely ignored, why hasn't he have a push?

Shelton Benjamin one of the most underrated wrestlers i had ever seen , Shelton Benjamin is talent and great athletic and has charisma , Shelton Benjamin can put some great matches and he is gifted on the ring , Shelton Benjamin has been in the wwe for a long time ago and he never go the push he really deserved , he had a great run as Ic champion , he carried the whole mid carder division and made the IC look great and he had many great matches at this time defending his title , Shelton Benjamin is one of the most underrated wrestlers and the most deserving for a push , I think it's undisputable that Shelton Benjamin is highly underrated, talented, and very poorly used. WWE can't recognize true talent, Shelton is one of the best superstars ever in terms of skill, ability, and athleticism. He definitely has the potential to make it big. However, WWE will likely seclude him to the midcard level, never winning more than an Intercontinental or Tag Team title, though in all reality, Shelton has more talent in his pinkie finger than some current main eventers have in their entire body. It wouldn't surprise me if Shelton moved to TNA one of these days.

Help me what does this poem mean?

I agree with Taileane; but I also think that he's saying that to much poetry is written about the negative aspects of life. More should be written about the "sweet' things in life.

Need some advice/opinions from GIRLS only ? ?

Age doesn't really matter in the long run. Right now it might seem like such a big difference but you should just give it a shot what is the worst thing that will happen?? Not much just let go and give it a try

I keep getting at least six emails in my spam folder from Nigeria, China, and other places. How can I block?

The messages say I have won lots of money and I should open the attached file and send them all of my personal information. One even asked for my SS number! Also, many of them supposedly come from the FBI. How can I stop this? The messages are all in very poor English with many grammatical, spelling, and punctuation errors -- without any place to opt out and get my name off their lists. Can you help? Thank you.

Should I tell my wife I am not a Firefighter?

We have been married for almost 6 years and I met her 2 years before that. While we were dating I heard her talk about the fireman that asked her out before and it bothered me because she said it every time we ped the fire station by her house. So I told her that I had become a fireman hoping to impress her and that's how she finally decided to marry me. My real job is at a lab and I am a tester for women's shampoo. Every shampoo that you have tried I had it on my body first. I am the lab rat so the testing is actually on me and I come home smelling like women everyday and tell my wife that I saved some kids and their mom gave me a big hug and I smell like women. Is now the best time to tell her what I really do for a living? Would you forgive me for such a huge lie if I was your husband?

NCAA March Madness! Reasons why it's the best.?

Watching the Robert Morris versus Long Island game right now- two teams i haven't seen all season play their hearts out in a great game.. reminds me why March Madness is so great- give me some of your reasons!!

Is McCain going to be falsely accused of racism before November?

The same way Hillary had to walk on egg shells, being chastised as a racist for every little thing she did I think McCain will face more accusations before November... Any valid criticisms of Obama are often somehow turned into a race issue and opponents of Obama are often accused as some form of bigots. Is the kind of childish drama you want under an Obama presidency?

If our government became a tyrannical dictatorship, would you leave or fight?

I mean if either candidate made it that way, so don't freak out. I just want to know how many people would leave...

Ok I understand but can any one write a quote from a book?

and show me how can I put that quote in MLA style in my journal like what should I write first and how can I end the quote please help? answer my question.

Why the Arabs seem to have a superior position in Islam ?

No one is superior to another in Islam, NO ONE. Arabs dont call the shots on anything in Islam. Allah said all muslims are like the teeth of a comb, they are the same EXCEPT in PIETY only.

Suggestions for an Edgar Allen Poe character to dress up as?

Anything dark and dreary would work, then claim to be one of the characters, like the man in "A Tell -Tale Heart," or go crazy and be the creepy raven from, well, "The Raven."

Does the 4211c advent netbook have wireless enabled?

I would like to find out if I can use this netbook (advent 4211c) is wireless enabled, can anyone help?

How much money do people usually take to a $5 minimum blackjack table?

I read it bothers players when someone changes cash for chips often. How much cash should I change for chips when I sit down at a $5 dollar minimum table?

What are the Best spots in Indy To throw a Birthday Party?

I'm turning 18 in April '10 and I wanna throw a good party this year. Are there any spots that are cool, and the fact that you have friends that are still below 18, and friendly to the wallet? Last year and the year before that wasn't all that great and I would love to have some fun but not too much fun.

Tracking Cookies????????? Please HELP?

Sorry to disappoint you but you will never get rid of tracking cookies...period....they are placed on your computer for surfing and browsing marketing survey........I have anywere from 70-100 on my pc at one time and just delete them all with my Super Anti-Spyware....the cookies are harmless and will not....i repeat...will not harm your pc..although if you have enough of them on there over time it can and will eventually slow down your computer a can download Super Anti-Spyware for free (no trial) at and it will take care of the cookies if your that nervous about them....But i see you have AVG which already picks them up ...which is can always use the Super Anti-Spyware as a back up plus it also looks at your registry and data memory for infections..which AVG does not...

Help please? i cant tell whats going on in her head and im really confused... 10 points to best answer. thanks

Alright… There’s this girl that quite frankly, I believe I love. Can’t stop thinking about her and she is, at this time in my life, one of the few things that can actually make me smile. Its not that I am obsessed or infatuated, it is just more of my incompetence to be able to do what I need to. I am a sopre in high school and she is a junior. At the beginning of the school year, I had known her for a year and I liked her during the previous year but I made no attempt to get closer. This year that has changed and my interest in her has increased greatly as I got to know her better. I am doing everything in my ability to get to the point where I can ask her out. One major point to bring up is that to this date, I have never been in a relationship of any sorts. Period. After about three months of getting closer to her I asked my best friend (he had been friends with her since they were young) out of desperation, to call her up, ask if she thought I liked her and what she thought of me (he pretended he had no idea). She said she thought I did like her and that at that time she only liked me as a friend. Now, a month later, I had been talking to her pretty much every day. Both in person (on the bus everyday) and on aim. She was opening up much more to me and every once in a while she will bring up the fact that she thinks that she is fat. Now, I know that this is a big load of bull so I always just explain to her why she isn't and I just try and comfort her. Now, in a much broader period of time, I realized that I was talking to her a bit too much. Realizing this, I backed off, trying to give her some space. As a result, I think she doesn’t feel as pressured anymore, and as a result, when I do talk with her, the conversations tend to be much more engaging and just better overall. Unfortunately, I have gone back to my old habits of being too caught up in the moment and freaked out to ever talk to her in person. At this time, I haven’t the faintest idea of what she feels for me, and what is going through her head. The time I spend talking with her, even the time I spend with her when I don’t talk is an adrenaline rush like none other. I feel ecstatic. All of my worries and negative emotions flood away from me in an instant. I don’t know…. I don’t want to be an inconvenience I just really need to talk about it. Any responses would be amazing. Thank you for spending the time to read this

Looking to go to bangkok for 10 days?

how much money do i need for hotel and spending to have a good time or is there a cheaper place in thailand i can go. thanks for any info you can give me!

Climategate? Is it like Watergate which brought down President Nixon?

I agree with pegminer! It's the only answer that makes sense on here. Besides, this is a stupid question. "Climategate"? Where is that? Don't you know that Watergate is a hotel? Adding the word "gate" after another word to indicate some sort of criminal cover up is just stupid!

Monday, August 15, 2011

Which name do you prefer?

Noelle is the best choice of your selection. I would also recommend Eliana, Natasha, Alicia, Aleah (a-lee-ah), and Desirae.

Candies similar to Shock Tarts (a.k.a. Shockers)?

As a child, Shock Tarts, now called Shockers, were one of my favorite candies. I remember I always used to get them at Target. I heard the candy was discontinued, but it was brought back under the name Shockers. Unfortunately, even those I cannot find. What is a sour, chewy candy like the Shockers?

Do you think Yahoo has my Hasenpfeffer?

I'm sorry I couldn't understand your question because I can't speak French. Does Hasenpfeffer mean hand job in the language of love?

Functional gene products - why does the DNA code for RNA?

yes the whole process from DNA to RNA is definitely the synthesis of protein, despite of the fact that the actual recipe of protein is given by DNA the DNA is not able to exit the nucleus for taking direct part in the synthesis of protein, and protein synthesis occurs in cytoplasm as the site for there synthesis ribosomes are located there so the formation of RNA is important and necessary for protein Synthesis as it brings the message from the DNA and ultimately the purpose of RNA is protein synthesis.

Do you think its too early to send Kennedy and Hughes back down and bring up others?

No,it's not we have to give these pitchers a chance to get into their groove,besides? we have no one.We just have to give them time to develop their skills it's way to early to panic.

What type of sentence is this?

It is an incomplete sentence at best, a fragmented and rather pathetic attempt at painting a metaphorical picture at worst.

What do you think of a former WWE woman's champion about to sign with TNA?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Will the poor hypnotised people of the u.s. ever wake up to see their cattle being led to slaughter?

Well, since we invaded Iraq and Afghanistan, at least we'll have enough oil to drive our SUVs to the slaughterhouse.

What to serve with pot roast?

honey is having trouble at work, so i want to make him something to feel better, he loves pot roast so that's what im making for him, im going to use paula deen's recipe and she doesn't roast any vegetables with hers just onions so i was wondering if you could give me some suggestions of what to serve with it, their will be gravy

What color bed frame should I get to go with my white walls?

A white bed won't show well on a white wall, and you want to mix colors of furniture in a room. If you're after a cottagy look, go for a pale sage bed - it'll show up well in front of the white wall and will look good with the white bedside table. Then pick another color from the quilt to use for accessories in the room.

The Pizza Problem- Math Teaser?

Pizza Galore has a tuesday special where each patron ordering a dessert gets a certain number of pizza slices free. and Tom went to Pizza Galore on Tuesday. Together they ate 10 slices of pizzas and paid $6 for the extra pieces of pizza. If Tom had been by himself and had eaten 10 slices he would have had to pay $10.50 for his extra pieces. How many free slices does the restaurant give each patron?

Help with student loans and grants.?

I am 22 and attending a community college right now and am transferring to a 4 year university. My father paid for this semester and can no longer help me starting next semester. I will still be a freshmen in status. The cost of attendance is $21,820 but i estimate that i will need $4,500 more then that to be able to live in an off-campus apt.. My father makes $37,000 a year and i am dependent. We are a household of 3 people and my mother does not work. I want to know what loans i can get with no- co signer and if any grant/aid would be available. Also i have not so great credit, my credit score is a 530, i messed up with my first card but i should be about a 650 by this time next year.

OLTL: What do you think about what Brody said to Jess today?

I think he's a jerk, and was using her problems to defend him sleeping with her sister. Its been what a month maybe? Face it, he wanted Natalie and even if Tess hasn't had come out I bet he would have still slept with Natalie. What he said today was a load of BS, "slowly dying inside" really? Didn't he promise her that he was going to be like father figure to Ryder as well. He abandons them both, for her sister. I cant wait when John finds out Liam is actually his and not Brody's. Natalie is annoying too she's pretty much just using him, she'll go running back to John and leave him.

What should I do since I got played?

uhm your out of your mind dont do that and i dont think your ugly maybe its the way you took your pic and also dont act desperate when it comes to girls

Who actually killed JFK?

Who killed Kennedy? How many times was he shot? Why do you think they did that? Give evidences of why you think it was one or more people that shot Kennedy and where exactly? And do you think that Lee Harvey Oswald was one of the?

Where can i buy xxxx graf alloy golf shaft?

At any good stockist and if thay have no clubs with that shaft they will order them from the supplier. Try a PGA professional or clubfitter. You can search Grafalloy on the net too!

Is there any problem, if someone at age 20 take one day mens' 50+ advantage?

The chief problem with taking an over-fifty or "mature" men's multivitamin is that it will give you little or no iron. (that is a deliberate omission). You can be sure you get an iron-rich diet, or take a supplement. Or you could take any daily multivitamin/mineral that has enough iron and add One-A-Day Prostate Health, which includes zinc (important), lycopeine, saw palmetto, selenium, and Vitamin E.

Peanut er and a law court?

think this film was a comedy, court seen, the accused put his hand down his backside and removed peanut er ( which he placed before hand ) and ate it, the judge dismissed the case calling him insane, whats the film?? please help.

How much is my snowboard worth?

I have a kemper snowboard made a couple years ago. It has black, yellow and gray graphics and says "one way" on it. It is a 157" board. I don't know if one way is the board's model or type or what but I want to know how much it is worth. Does anyone know?

How do I test if a model that uses categorical and continuous nonparametric data is well fitted in SPLUS?

Chi-squared goodness of fit test. I don't know SPLUS but you can do this with JMP or write your own algorithm with the S/R languages if you are familiar with the language this should be straighforward computation

Im fighting with my dad to much now wat shuld i do?

Ok well im 16 and am going through a ruff time its been like this for a 2 months now. Im kiked out of school this is wat started it i got kiked out and i was above average at everything but now i work at my dads restaurunt and i find it ok a bit stressful thts it but i hav ADHD im not a phsyco or anything im normal but recently jst ive been going out of control i do pot at parties now and drink a hell of alot lol and i dnt know but my dad relli anyoies me now he's got this girlfriend now and me n him used to watch Tv till like 2am at weekends a fair bit ago and other stuff but now this chik has changed him completly since shes got here tht was like 1 month ago i relli hate him now im livin at his house but not mums(thts another real long story) but yeah now hes wierd he doesnt even tlk 2 me at his house shes always with him andshe tells my dad to turn my tv down and he does and a whole other **** and i tryto fight him this month ive tried fighting him about 7 times now i dnt know wat to do anymore plzz hlp ...........................and try to mind the spelling thnx

Boarding school?

wow youre in a lot of extra curriculars! i think you have a pretty good chance, youre a good student and participate in a lot of outside stuff. Good Luck!

For all people who hate president bush!!! This is for you?

My question is that if you HATE BUSH so much why did you decide to continue to live here? There was always canada, australia, and other countries who didn't have Bush as the president. I do not think you all know how great this country truly is compared to others. I mean would you rather have bush as a president or live in cuba with dictatorship? I think Americans have gotten to spoiled to understand what other countries leaders put there people through. So do yourself a favor and stop being so ignorant.

Disney movies question?

Why is Disney Channel all of a sudden doing musicals like Camp Rock, High School Musical 1&2 and the Cheetah Girls? Why can't they just have a modern regular movie?

What do you think my name style is?

I'd say it's pretty much all over the place...I can't pick out any common thread. For both boys and girls, you like some (IMO!) wonderful, clic names (Annabelle, Miranda, William, Richard) and some trendy, awful names (Payton, Dakota, Brayden, Hoyt). The boys' list is mostly clic/traditional, though, while the girls' is a total mixed bag. I'd have trouble putting a label on it, or for that matter explaining it.

Skinless chicken - why does it taste so BAD? how to season it properly? HELP! calling all GOOD COOKS?

My husband loves mine. I buy the Montreal Chicken Seasoning. I put the chicken in a pan and poke them, then put the seasoning on them and cover them with tinfoil. I bake them at 350 for 20 minutes, turn them over and then for another 30. If you keep them covered, then they are more moist.


Pive speakers need an external power source (amp or receiver) and active speakers have their own amp. It comes down to what you're using the speakers for. If you're using the speakers for a small desktop, pive is fine, but if you're using it for home theater, pive with a receiver or preamp/amp would be better.

What is a synonym for snob?

Pretentious, affected, pompous, braggart, highbrow, name-dropper, parvenu, pretender, smarty pants, stiff neck, upstart.

Intelligent Design. A more enlightened theology? Or co-opting science in an attempt to stay relevant?

Intelligent design, as in God created the world in 6 days is fine, but to adopt the notion that God introduced the building blocks and over thousands or millions of years the earth and man evolved is clearly not Biblical and hence is in error as far as a sincere Christian would believe. Truth with a little error is still error, it denies God as the supreme creator, denies his word as truth.

Where do you want to or did you have your honeymoon?

I've always dreamed of getting married at sunset on an Australian beach and then spending my honeymoon in Paris in a hotel room with a fab view of the Eiffel Tower...romance...

For those who wouldn't give up their careers for kids?

there seems to be many....what if you had a nanny, all paid for, would you then have kids? If the answer is yes- then why forego having kids based on monetary/career gains? isn't having kids something too big to forego in your life based in material reasons? i mean this isn't ping on that nice car you wanted- this is an extension of you!

Refine edge problem in cs4?

when i try to refine edge in cs4 after clicking OK the selected image goes back to how it was originally and doesn't save the final result of how i amended it to be. Can anyone help with this problem?

I m trying.. Is this a mono rhyme, please answer.?

A monorhyme poem uses only one rhyme all the way through -- aaaaaaa. . . . . Your rhyme scheme is aaab cccb dddb eeeb fffb. So, no, the poem isn't an example of monorhyme.

Why so much satanic symbolism in the music industry today, what's going on?

I agree with More, If it was not for auto tune and computer generated music along with the (mysterious satanic marketing) none of these so called artists would be known by anyone possibly including their mothers. There is little raw talent anymore that gets promoted, and with auto tune and other computer enhancement a barking dog or stammering idiot can keep in tune better than a real singer.

Why Is It That WWE Wrestlers In Their 40s Put On Better Matches Than TNA Wrestlers In Their 40s?

Kurt Angle is the sole exception as he can still put on match of the year candidate type matches. But why is it that TNA wrestlers in their 40s like Sting, Booker T, Kevin Nash, Big Poppa Pump Scott Steiner, and Cute Kip are inferior in ring workers when compared to WWE wrestlers in their 40s like Shawn Michaels, The Undertaker, William Regal, Finlay, and JBL ?

Ok so rubik's cube people, what is the deal here?

if there isnt one big algorithm to solve the whole thing at once, how can anyone possibly solve it in seconds like all thos world record holders?? i can do it in like 2 minutes at fastest

Need Boxing advice/help?

No soft drinks of any kind no white bread no fried food no sweets or dairy products don't eat after 7:00 and don't over eat when you do eat and run 5 miles 5 days a week you will lose all the weight you want and you can eat all the fish and chicken you want as long as it is not fried.

What should I look for in a BMX?

25 tooth sprocket + 9 tooth driver 10mm front hub and fork drop out size 14mm rear drop out size good looking bars in between 26 and 28 inches (unless you like super small or super big bars) light weight strong trustworthy make (wethepeople, fit, FBM, subrosa) pivotal seat top tube size depends on your height

What does the onslaught of bigotry against Barack Obama say about him?

I am not saying everyone who is opposed to Obama is a bigot but it seems like every xenophobic, racist and otherwise hateful person has gathered in opposition to Obama. Why is this and what does it say about Obama?

Chemistry help!! please!!?

C. the e- arrange themselves to minimize the repulsions. The e- clouds try to get as far apart from each other as possible.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

He's nice all of a sudden?

he was being mean to you because he thought it would make it easier to get over you, and yeah, he prolly does like you again, but if he already cheated on you, why bother getting hurt again . i hope this helps :]

Who would win in a fight? Julius Peppers vs AJ Feeley?

AJ Feeley vs Julius Peppers? Who would win the fight? How would they win the fight? And the winner gets Feeley's now wife Heather Mitts.

Why did Laron McClain get so many carries?

He had 19 carries in week one while playing with fellow FB Lorenzo Neal and RBs Willis McGahee and Ray Rice.

Hit by a car and thrown to the ground, big gash in my arm.?

Did you get medical attention? Take pictures? Report the accident to police? It's not too late to see a personal injury lawyer. Look in your phone book. They will advise you.

Where can I get away with wearing this dress?

honestly anywhere you want, its a cute dress, and it looks great on you. If you want, you could wear it to work/school/out and about. Threresnever a real dress attire recommened for going out to the mall or anything, wear it anywhere you like. ITS CUTE!!

Chances of me getting into college?

this is not what should be on! do your homework because that GPA will land you straight in a JC so suck it up

Why do you think the SNL bailout skit was pulled off youtube and hula?

I'm gonna use a word many might object to, but it's propaganda. Rhetoric is Obama's greatest strength and to me that opitimizes what the left has become. It is by force that the left wants to change our government and the opposite of that is right information. And the way to counter it is not to let any other side be heard. Like the refusal to let bills even be presented in congress. Or the stalling of court appointments to the point of them never getting even considered to be approved. This is the style of the left. If you hear a thing over and over again and the other side is not heard, you will rarely have such things discussed. This style is propaganda without being interested in discussion or allowing the people to be informed and make informed decisions on their own.

Are these scores good for a ninth grader?

these are semi good scores just focus on your writing skills and you will be fine. now that you have these scores study the ones you got wrong. sign up at and sign up for the official sat question of the day, trust me, it will help you alot. good luck.

Piriformis syndrome? doing an ollie, i used my a$$ muscle to pull my leg up. it now hurts to move leg backward

when i was doing an ollie over a tennis court net, i completely used my a$$ muscle, and my upper back thigh started hurting, so i stopped for a couple weeks and i went away, and now i fell off a bike, and now it hurts to stop a kick, or lift up my leg backwards while lying down, doing lunges with the hurt leg in front, or kicking backwards. it doesn't hurt to move the leg outwards. but all the pain is right below my a$$, right by the crease and kinda hurts to sit entirely on it. hip ex-flexor? hip flexor? piriformis syndrome? help me out pleze

WHY?!?!?!? Why tan skin?!?!?!?!?!!?

I think people like tan skin because it gives this impression that you're athletic and like to be outside all that time. I don't really know. But it's stupid what society defines as beautiful. So don't worry. Personally, I prefer to be pale. I love the contrast it creates with my dark hair and eyes. That's it. You should find a way to make your pale skin look good. (I'm not saying that it's bad, but you don't seem to like being a pale person.) Maybe you should find some colors (for clothing, makeup, etc.) that would compliment your skin tone. That might help you.

How come i cant call virgin radio?

im trying sooo soo sooo hard to win those bon jovi tickets for july 21st at the rogers centre and i call the contest number - 416-872-9999 (even with a 1 since its long distance for me- i live in brantford) and its like those beeping sounds that means like its busy and it just goes blanc after about 4 times and its frusturating cause i cant even attempt to win the tickets to the most awesome band of all time :(

How much will it cost to check one bag on us airways???!!!!!!!!!?

Im gonna be flying from oakland to houston in march and im just woundering how much it costs to check my one bag on us airways ( and delta cause thats what im taking back!) THNX!!!!!

Weekend with a guy, I need advice?

So my roommate and I are travelling a state over to see a guy that I am sort of "dating" I guess you could say.. it's a complicated situation lol.. ANYWAYS.. My roommate is of course coming with me, and her fiancee is unable to come too so she is basically going to be the third wheel. I can't make the road trip by myself, but I'm afraid it is going to be super awkward. I don't know what I should do or how I could make things seem less awkward when we are all together. I mean she has no problem with PDA or anything happening while she's in the same room: we've already talked about that haha.

Smart people read, reading educates you, do you have time to read this?

one cure --impeach Bush, but sheesh they won't do it, so the smart amongst us have to shake our heads in disbelief over the nonsense our government is puts forth

What are some songs about knowing better than to fool around with someone who didn't want relationship?

The person didn't want a relationship and was very straightforward about that and only wanted something ual. They did not get it and now are back with their ex. And now you are broken hearted with no one to blame but yourself (hey that rhymes). And yet they tell you that the two of you can still be friends. Something along those lines.

Visa for the united kingdom?

ok so my girlfriend is from califonia and altho i was born n raised in venezuela my dads british therefore im a citizen,im living there currently and i want my american girlfriend to be with me cos i miss here haha anyways how long can she stay and does she need a visa

Who thinks that Flo' Rida....?

...just decided one day to become a rapper? In my opinion, he looks like a 40 year old body builder that was low on cash, so got some one who knows someone who knows someone in the music business to get him in.

HELP ME PLZZZZ.....this is my first time?

When you meet him for the first time try to do it someplace where you feel comfortable, like a friends house where there are other people you know, then you won't feel so pressured to think of something to say or worry about awkward silences. And you can act the way you normally do around friends. Just find a chair or comfy spot on the couch and lean back and join in the conversation.

Anybody else out there listening to Hockey Talk on Sirius 186 - and online at

Next time I work late, I'll check it out. I have Sirius in the office, but not in my car or at home.

I tried the phi ionic flat iron, and WOW, to my amazement, this thing works like the real CHI that professiona

yes it dose work really really wel i have it 2 man i got amazed i tested it against a 30 $$ 1 from walmart and a 12$$ from avon !!

Advice on Media PC, does this look decent?

It looks okay, but not for what you are looking for. I would keep searching if I were you. You should definitely look for something with a little more RAM. At least 2gb, I would say.

Is it wrong to attend m if you don't believe?

If you dont believe how can it be against anything? It would be wrong if you were disrespectful to their beliefs. I trash Christianity all the time on the internet, but this is not their space. If I went to their church I would respect them.

Looking for websites to give me ideas of what to do with an old fireplace mantel without the fireplace.?

I was given a really neat shabby wood fireplace mantel with chippy black wood and am wondering how to use it in our house even though we don't have a fireplace. Maybe put a flat screen TV where the fire would have been??? Looking for websites and ideas. Thanks.

As a fiscal conservative, do you feel worried sometimes that the social "conservatives"?

The idea that republicans are fiscal conservatives has been proven myth. Democrats demand that we operate on the PayGo system (pay as we go, no borrowing). If you are a fiscal conservative, and you don't care for the social conservative nonsense, then pal, welcome to the Democratic Party.

Would Inuit summer tents have a fireplace or hearth inside?

Photos of these summer tents show most of the activity being undertaken outside but would they still have a central fire inside for socialising and some cooking?

Xbox 360 repair? arrived in Frankfurt but still no status change?

Either they forgot to update the status of your 360 or it's just taking awhile. When I sent mine in a couple years ago they took a month to get the system back to me. Remember your 360 isn't the only one being sent in.

Tips on landing my tricks?

i had the same problem. heres a tip. practice olies over and over again. make sure you get a good pop. you have to really commit to the trick. i was scared at first on how i was gonna land so thats why i had one foot on the board before. just commit and practice and itll come to ya. good luck!

Spend more time and talk more?

There's this girl that was really close with me. We flirted a lot and was on the brink of a relationship, until rumors and other people got involved and screwed it up. We had arguments and didn't talk for a while, but we made up a month ago. We're slowly becoming better friends. I still kinda like her, but I would like to get to know her more. She doesn't talk to me that much, I always have to walk up to her to start a convo. But I know she still cares about me a lot since she texts me a lot asking if i'm okay. She hangs around my friends a lot and tries to sneak glances at me here and there. But she never hangs out with me. What should I do to get her to talk to me more and just like to spend time with me more?

What does the Confederation of British Industry (CBI) do?

It's a talking shop for pinstriped toffs - getting their heads together to plan the next attacks on the workers. lol.

Why doesn't tech n9ne get any love in hip hop and rap?

I actually have never heard of him before.But I can sort of see why.I mean he's not bad but he isn't exactly the greatest.I mean its straight and not wack.If I put him in top 20 though he'd proably be from like #18-20.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

My 6 month old sick? any advice?

My 6 month old seems to have a cold very congested and a little cough... slight fever never over 101 for the past two days.. we are on vacation til next monday? any advice? should I take him to the er???

Christians, how do you explain the failed prophecies of the Bible?

Sorry Bungee Brain, you have misinterpreted the verse completely. It has nothing whatsoever to do with His return. Read on and you will read of our Lord, with Moses and Elijah on the Mount of Transfiguration. THAT is what He was referring to. Typical, you twist a verse to fit your argument and you don't seek after truth. You'd be better off with Mad Magazine, more your speed.

Questions for Christians only, about the Bible?

If you go back into the Old Testament it is saying it is pretty much against it but it says that if you do own slaves treat them fairly and release them after four years. There is always stuff in the the Bible that is in the law such as smoking it is said that you shouldn't let intoxicating(stuff that could harm you) things into your body. God is the Judge of the Universe and will do what is right what He chooses to do is up to Him but just know it is right. Hope this helps.

What was that song on "My So-Called Life"/"Adventureland"?

In "My So-Called Life" it came out in the beginning of the episode "Betrayal", when Angela was dancing around. And in Andventureland, it wasn't exactly in the movie but it was the song they used for the commercials of the movie.

What do lay Christians think of apologists and theologians who readily admit to errors in scripture?

Since the Bible is constantly being fact-checked by historians and archaeologists, revised facts are inevitable. Which is why we're constantly getting "New" or "Revised" Bibles. The "Biblical inerrancy" crowd goes with the latest corrections, which are the closest to historical truth. But any Bible student should be able to sort out the latest verified facts from the earlier research. If there's a contradiction, like you have pointed out, just stay with it. Maybe a new set of facts will turn up in your lifetime! Otherwise, the scholars just leave the contradictions in place until new research says otherwise.

CDG airport_Shop for Christmas ornament?

I'm flying back to the US from Paris tomorrow. Are there any stores at CDG airport that sell Christmas ornaments?

If people think that it's evil to save animals, what do they think of celebrities who support Sea Shepherds?

They're idiots, noble aims, but, idiots nevertheless, and one day the whalers will take the gloves off and the ship will disappear, they had their wonder boat badly smashed up last year.

Are all Politicians are idiots?

What rationale person supports every position of another individual, or group of people? America suffers deeply from Gang Mentality. everyone is so quick to claim affiliation with a group that they lose site of reality and their inate ability to pick and choose what policies or plans they support regaurdless of who is putting forth the policy. Wheather they be Democrat, Independent, or Republican.

Any Lenders Out There?

I have been a small lender on since last April. I just got won my 8th loan yesterday. Personally, I would not bid on your loan because your credit grade is a "D". I look for borrowers who have at least a "B" or better, home ownership and a vertified bank account.

Whats the f plan diet all about?

is it any good what sort of weight can you expect to lose on it compared to other diets can you do exercise to a high level on it obviously its eating alot of fibre but surely not all bran all day long can someone explain a typical day on it and how much of whatever you can eat for example can you eat meats if so what ones and how much of em pasta/ potatos e.t.c any information would help really b4 i waste my money buying the book to find its no good for me thanks

Do you think that the next world war is going to be in water???

the next war is for supremacy of the planet ,by America ,the ones after that will be for potable Water.for transport there maybe more water than ever

Should I trade pierre thomas for westbrook and houshmanzadah I have good RBs now johnson and turner?

Do not trade thomas for that will never play westbrook if you have turner and johnson and TJ is not looking like a great fantasy player this year. What you need to do is trade Thomas straight up for a WR 1!

Should I give my cat another worm pill?

Should I give my cat another worm pill dosage if she throws it up? We gave her a half of a worm pill as the vet prescribed (she is about 2 years old and is around 12lbs). Within 45min to 1hr of ingesting the dose, she threw up about 3x more than she normally does. This vomit consisted of food, worms, and the pill. About 1.5hours after ingestion she still shows signs of having worms as she is still gagging as if they are in her throat. Should I give her another dose of the pill (1/2 of a pill)?

Why Black people rioted in Oakland, but not in L.A. after ex policeman Mehserle got a 2 years prison sentence?

a href=""…/a

Remember this when you Vote for Mccain. An man of Honor and Committment to America. ?

I understand it, my son made that same check out. I still feel Obama is the best person to be President and will vote for him. I honor all the veterans who have fought for, or given their lives for, me to have the right to vote.

Do ALL birth control pills give you migraines?

I am a migraine sufferer, but considering taking birth control pills. My mother used to get migraines because of her birth controls pills, and migraines are hereditary in our family. Is there any birth control pill that won't give me migraines?

This is for people that have a scorpio moon?

I am never lost or less shocked by the ugly things in life, and I always speak up against injustice when the predicament calls for it. The only emotions I keep bottled up are my own personal feelings about people in my world, or what I am personally experiencing. It's not healthy to keep anything bottled up. I feel it is a weakness of Scorpio Moons, not a strength. What we should be gathering up is our inner strength and determination, not our anger.

For proactive, how much of the refining mask should i use? do i just put a dab on the spot or do i rub it in?

If you want to use it as full mask treatment, rub it in. If you want to treat an individual pimple dab it just on the pimple before bed.

How do i know what kind of accent do i have?

Okay well here's the story and it kinda needs a lil bit of understanding...I grew up in one kinda skool and got educated in a different one and then i lived in a totally different country for one year and moved back into the same place again.basically i am indian and when i was 16 i moved to a british school(for 2 years 16 and 17 year)and at 18 i moved to canada for uni.after i returned home-which was in the middle east where i cot educated in the two indian schools that i went to and the one brit skool where i studied for two years-i had somewhat of a foreign accent which i polished to my purpose...and after that i went to an indian colege in dubai. where do u think it puts my accent.someone recently told me that is worn off but i still manage to correct all my v's an w's all the time n sound a whole lot better than others with a typical indian accent and also when i had come here i used to tone down my accent so that all the ppl who basically belonged to an Indian community could get my accent even though i knew i was toning down my accent so that they could get me. basically i had to moderate my foreign accent that ihad acquired over the years so where does that out me n my accent

I think this saying has applied to pretty much every round this year?

After the knights getting rolled today by the eels anything could happen i think the titans at home could cause an upset as well titans 16 dragons 8

Boke up with her?

i had just boke up with my gf just bec she was not giving me a good answer about that guy that guy that i saw her kiss him and i took her tell me whats going one she didnt what schold i have done boke up or be with her ? i want her back is that bad i love her so much i bee with her for 4 years like my whole life i am 17 sicne i was 14

Ex-Seven day adventist???? please help me with Sabbath keeping?

Jesus was a Jew, not a Christian. Keeping the Sabbath was important in his society (and still is to most Jews). The quotation sounds like it was about something to happen in a few years, not during what people now call the Tribulation. He didn't tell people what to write in the New Testament; they wrote it years after his death.

Friday, August 12, 2011

What can you do when you hate how you look?

Your biggest problem, in my view, is that you look as angry and frustrated as you seem to feel. Never good. Fun, independent women whuffle that sort of thing and ume with good reason that it might be used against them if they do or say anything that raises your hackles. Worse still, if this is as happy as you look during a photo op, what hope is there, they wonder, in the event of real trouble? They probably ask themselves whether Mr. Darkness has a mental health issue that wants attention. My sense here is that he does. As you yourself are very aware, mental health issues are not y. The prospect of daily life with a person hounded by a black cloud a href="" rel="nofollow" will chase away romance faster than a fart. See to it!

Shortest path algorithm?

I think this is a minimize flow algorithm rather than a shortest path algorithm, see a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

What are the some of the best books you've read so far?

if your a girl then the twilight series, but if your not into romance then harry potter? little women? or maybe something random like andy griffeths stories. paul jennings is also good. and micheal morpurgo's best mate is very heart warming. hope this helped!

What kind of event would wipe out the whole earth?

Eg. Super flare, super volcanic eruption, super hurricanes, astroid impact etc and what one will most likely occur the soonest? Will we have a chance to survive :O?!?!?

Omg Jets Suck, This is Overwhelmingly Embaring?

Yeah, getting Brett Favre didn't make a difference, and this man is in the probowl, King of INTs in the probowl

Football: What do you think about my Mock Draft team and where could I improve?

I think you could improve at wide receiver but at the same time I have no idea what other receivers have been picked. I myself would not take the Saints for their D. I would take a team that always has a top 5 D like Balti or Pitt and I would trade Brady for Rogers. I think he will be a monster this year.

Is it normal to cry,during a farewell of the people you ped,5 years with?

YES IT"S NORMAL! And NEVER feel bad or embarred about how you feel. I am also graduating this year and I'm terribly sad. It's normal to miss those that you have known and been around for so long. They leave an imprint on your life. And I agree, try to keep in touch with your friends. But also try to remember that you are moving forward with your life. Remember the past but live in the present!

MCR Vs. Green Day?

does anyone think that my chemical romance's the black parade should get as many kudos as green day's american idiot did?..i for one love both bands...but i have to say i was very impressed with MCR's black parade...i think that it should have gone triple platinum just like american idiot did. does anyone else agree?

How do I unfreeze a frozen water pipe in my wall cavity?

its probably froze at an elbow find the nearest elbow and get a small propane torch too put heat on that area have a wet rag close by to put out any fire should you get to close to something flammable

The AntiChrist to come is Belial (Beliar). Agree or disagree?

Even tho the bible never actual says anti christ... is a person... so you are wrong... they were talking about someone whos was being anti -christ... in other word not christ like

Who wins the Super Bowl, Packers or Steelers?

Both teams have strong defenses and both have had lapses during the season. Both teams have excellent QBs. The Steelers have a better running game. The Steelers have offensive line problems. The Packers have enough defense to pressure Roethlisberger, but he's experienced that for the past few years and been successful. I'd I'd like to see the Packers win, but think the Steelers are more likely. This is likely to be another low scoring game. It wouldn't be a huge surprise either way it turns out - the only thing that would surprise me is if it turns out to be a blow out. Since the Redskins aren't in the game I really don't have a strong preference; I'm leaning toward the Packers because it's been longer since they've won one, but I really like it to be a good game which ever way it turns out. 17 - 10.

How do i create big curls like nicole richie?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Is it weird that whatever my best friend likes, I hate?

I'm a 13 year old girl and when my best friend likes something, it seems to put me off it and I don't know why. For example, she LOVES Oasis, and I hate them. All you Oasis lovers out there don't answer this telling me I'm a so and so, I just don't like them. I used to be in LOVE with Rosie- Daisy Dares You, then she liked it so I just stopped liking it. Why do you think this happens? It's not like I have anything against her, she's my best friend, she just puts me off things. Thanks in advance:)

Earliest you've felt sick before a BFP?

With my first and my second pregnancies, I didn't start to feel sick until after I had my BFP. That was at around 8 weeks the first time and at around 6 weeks the second time. It is definitely possible to feel nauseous a lot earlier than that though, and frankly I am too at the moment though am only 7 DPO myself today, so I'm hoping too! Good luck. x


I would say to get an over the counter pregnancy test before you go to the hospital. I do not know the pill you are on but I do know that there are times when the pill takes awhile to work the way it should. I have been in the same situation and it will put you at ease in just a few minutes. I bought if you are pregnant but best to check. Best of luck.

Did any offices belonging to the us navy,get destroted in the 911 attack?

Did any offices or departments belonging to the us navy get destroyed in the 911 attack on the pentagon in 2001

In love with someone i know i can't have?

i am friends with a married man and he is one of those that is hard to figure out but when we are together and it is very seldom that we are but he is so totally amazing. the is out of this world i am not looking for a relationship due to a messy divorce i just got out of but he makes me feel so important something i never had with my ex husband. what do i do?

I need your help please. Just try your best!!! Thanx.?

I am writing a book in the mid 1800s. It's a ship wreck story. I am planning on the island where they get ship wrecked to be the Aztec Islands. What do he would eat?

What would make you end a friendship?

Would it take some sort of betrayal? Neglect? Just years and years of general thoughtlessness? Or do you stick it out no matter what? Thanks!

Por que nadie le calla el ocico a pablo ramirez (la torre de jalisco) cuando se pone de necio narrando juegos?

como odio ver los juegos y escucharlo a la vez .diran que pues simplemente le cambie de c pero yo quiero y estoy interesado en esos juegos. o sea no me queda de otra.

Lottory numbers?

i,ve asked the missouri lottery 3 times if anyone has won any big powerball or lotto jackpots useing there lucky numbers ,like has any big winner ever said ,ive been playing the same numbers every week and finally won,they won,t answer that at all,does anybody think the automatic drawing system goes through every combination picked and picks the numbers that haven,t been chosen

How do you stop being scared to land kickflips?

Hi, I can ollie, shuvit, pop shuvit, boneless, 180 boneless boardslide, almost 50-50 grind, vert slide, powerslide, almost 180 ollie, casper, boneless finger flip, sometimes heelflip, but so close to landing kickflips almost every time. when I do them the board will always go end over end, shoot out in front of me and I'll land my front foot or no feet, it will sometimes spin back side, the board will sometimes go vertical and somtimes I'll get credit card which sucks, and it will also under and over rotate sometimes, but my main and BIGGEST problem is trying to land with both feet. This problem also leads to having trouble poping the board and being afraid to jump high when I kickflip. This happens because I'll have this werid feeling in my stomach making afraid me not to pop the board and jump high. It also makes me feel lazy and too tired to do a kickflip for some reason. I don't know why. So are there any good suggestions to help fix all my problems with kickflips and also how to get rid of this werid feeling feeling in my stomach. That would be great!

Can you give me make up help?

well since you have a bunch of color i think u should bring out the lesser one silver do a silver eye thing but have it mixed in with a hint of green not a lot because then you will have to much green so that and blue and silver are Beautifull together and make ur eyelashe big since then make ur eye look bigger for example something like this a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a it pretty goos the end result it beautiful

Is it poss to transfer data from a Vista system laptop to a Windows 7 laptop?

and if so, will this also transfer the info from an account that has been inaccessible, presumably due to memory overload!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

How do make a fleece tie blanket without the corners somewhat bunching up?

so i just finished making a fleece tie blanket but my corners are bunched up some so the blanket doesnt lay completely flat. i was just wondering how you keep the blanket flat after tying it together? did i tie it too tight maybe? i just dont want it to fall apart after washing it or anything cause i heard that can happen....

Which is an example of a covalent bond?

Any phosphate group. or calcium chloride. A good way to remember it is to think of the periodic table and it is usually the ones across the table that are covalent bonds.

Anybody read The Great Gatsby?

I'm doing a book report on it, and I have to print 10+ pictures based on/ about the book. Any suggestions? I have a few ideas, but would like to hear some more.. thanks!

Am I allowed to go to my hospital appointment with fever?

I have an appointment in the hospital tomorrow,but I have a bad cold and fever (but it's not flu for sure as I feel generally well) Am I allowed to go to my appointment or is it not allowed due to swine flu fears?

Are the Colorado Rockies still a Christian team?

I know when Clint Hurdle was the coach, their faith was evident. But now Jim Tracy is the coach, do they still have that faith as a team like before? Just wondering.

Orthodox Judaism, to convert or not to convert... that is the question?

This is a question that only you can answer. Pray to God, ask your Rabbi to pray for you too. Then all you can do is wait until you know from how you feel inside what you need to do. Please be aware that my perspective is from a Christian viewpoint and I know little of Judaism, but whatever decision you come to, I wish you all the best.

Does anyone know of any acting auditions, taking place in South yorkshire, leeds, manchester, or London?

Have you tried the "globe" - not sure the correct name the Shakespeare restored theater - what a better place to do it. I would called it begin with a golden key!!!

How much does an experienced computer cad (engineering or architecture) drafter get pay on average full-time? ?

depending on your location. Usually, larger cities pay more with a few exceptions. You can figure someone who graduated from a technical school (2 yr program) who can perform basic CAD functions but have not building technical knowledge to pay around $12-15/hr. It goes up from there if you are able to do 3-D modeling. The pay rate goes up exponentially when you have an understanding of codes, construction emblies, and etc.

Trying to get fit. Not sure what to put in plans...?

i never diet! and u should either.. all u do is.. dont eat when ure not hungry. Make sure you eat a filling breakfast (80% of oveweight people dont eat breakfast) healthy snacks such as veggies (carrots, celery, snap peas) or fruit and nuts. And when you feel like ure bored and want to go eat, i find it helpfull to go for a walk.. just clear ur head. by the time you come back you'll forget you wanted to eat! and drink a couple of gles of milk today! it helps to get to that healthy weight! good luck!

What is it called when you play a guitar at the high frets (No picking)?

Like on Eruption By Eddie, I forgot what its called when you go up on the high frets and play very quick 3 or 4 note bursts without picking.

What other applications were made of the rear seat-frame y. that was used in the 1965 Chevrolet Caprice?

Knowing that automobile manufacturers use various applications of certain components during each model year, I would like to know in which other vehicle(s) might I find the rear seat-frame embly that was used in the introductory 1965 Chevrolet Caprice (4 door hard-top Sport Sedan). That particular application used a center arm-rest that recessed into the back-rest cushion whenever a third penger occupied the center of the rear seat. Some other vehicles also used a similar arrangement for the front (bench-type) seat to accommodate a the center position. Thank you for any and all istance rendered.

Want to hear about my exciting/sad morning? (Question included)?

I'd just die if my dog went missing. I'm pretty sure that no one could handle him because he's I'm sure no one would take him and keep him... he'd be back at my house or in a shelter for me to find...

Is a Holgram-Mangini-Favre team up possible in 2010?

The Vikings could very well release Favre after he loses the playoffs makeing him a free agent! He has history with Holgram(SuperBowl win) and Mangini(Mangini named his kid after Brett)

How would you rate this diet? are amazing!!! Not many people can stick to such a diet. Congratulations! A great feeling, being more energized and sharp!

Egg problem! (budgies)???????

This has happened to me. You need to leave all sorts of materials around the cage OUTSIDE OF THE NEST VOX and let her pick for herself what she wants in there. I would put the orange thing in the nest box, but on the side, so she can choose if she wants it or not. Basically a bowl shape helps bone formation, but she will likely do that herself. People market things that people think make sense, but don't care about if its really good for the bird. put both hard things like big beads and soft things around the cage for her to pick up.

Why today did www.telemundotv/ use people who translate from spanish to english and put up on the?

Because us English speakers are taking over the spanish speaking networks!lol Soon it will be all english!jk We are taking over!

I need a pair of shoes 2 wear 2 my b/f's army grad. that are dressy & easy 2 run in.?

My boyfriend is in basic traing for the army in missouri, I'm in Alabama so thats gonna be a big temperature difference I'm sure! He starts AIT on nov. 23. His graduation from AIT is on Valentine's day, 2 days before my brithday. So I have an outfit for family day on the 13th, graduation on the 14th and for the banquets each night. I just need to find a pair of dressy shoes that will keep my toes covered in the cold and are easy to run in ((this will be the first time I've seen him in months, so I'll be runnin when I see him!)).

I have missed two periods an I know I'm not pregnant and I don't have an infection. What could it be?

I haven't had my period for 2 months. When I whip there's clear stuff on the toilet paper.. It's not an infection I was already tested for that. I'm not really that stressed out. Could it be early menopause?

Like ugg boots but under 60 for me a teenage girl?

for real ugg boots, their like 235, for emus their about 130 i think, for fake ones, you can get them anywhere, walmart..garage...anywhere for under 60 bucks

Does masturbation affect size?

Now before reading this know that I'm not another teenager who's worried about having a small thing, I'm perfectly comfortable with my size and even if it were below average I wouldn't care, so I'm asking this question out of pure curiousity: Whenever I go like a week without masturbating (which probably happens about twice a year at most) my is about 1/2 inch larger when I get a ***** than it is on days where I've jacked off recently (within the past 3 or so days). This has to mean that masturbating does affect your size, right? Or is this just me?

What is "Sonnet" by Christina Rossetti...?

I think she is reflecting on the fact that a first meeting with someone did not mean so much at the time. But that that person became extremely important to her years later. So now, that meeting, which seemed so uneventful at the time, has taken on emotional importance, but cannot be accurately remembered.

Politics Hilary-iets: What is the reference to Kool-Aid is that suppose to racist towards blacks? Be honest?

I keep about Koo-Aid effect. What that about? Is that something only racist and bigots know? Tell me what you think?

Weight loss curiousity?

are there actually symptoms to know that yer losing weight other than yer clothes being a bit more lose on you?

What is wrong with leaving Latina women and children water didn't the statue of libery say come?

I hope this can be worked out so that the immigrants get water and the people supplying it can continue to do so. Sounds like it's time to talk.

Has anyone else noticed the way cops use Bible verse, " Submit to the Law" as a reason to take Communist cont?

Is it just me, or has anyone else noticed that Cops in America are way out of control and out of hand in everything they do. From procedure to attitude I feel like I might as well be in North Korea. It almost paints Communism in a positive light. Maybe Commies outlaw Bible to keep leaders from getting out of control, or thinking they are omnipotent.

Should i eat a pop tart?

I've seen two packs of poptarts at gas stations. You could try looking there! If not, maybe you could buy a box and share it with your friends so you're not tempted to eat all of them.

Is there a complaints email address for kfc in britain?

its sounds weird but does anyone know if there is a email address for kfc as i would like to make an official complaint i paid nearly �6 pound for a boneless box of chicken which me and my boyfriend intended to split and got a small drink 3 tiny strips of chicken which were about 3 or 4 inches long a small fries and a tiny box of popcorn chicken. in the end i ended up gettin a chicken burger that cost 1.19 and it filled me upmore than the banquet box

I have very thin skin with no elasicity, what do i do?

My sn sucks! I have barly any acne...a few blackheads...its oily...and my pores ar medium...deffinaty skin is thin and has no there anything i can do to make it better?

Who thinks Lohans new stint is just to get money?

Lindsey Lohan is suing the E-trade company, famous for their baby commercials, for $100 Million because an ad that ran during Superbowl 44 said Lindsey's a Milkaholic, it doesnt even state her last name, so this lawsuit will ruin, but who agrees.

I'm infatuated with the person I am dating, how can I not crowd her?

I don't call her or text her daily, but I think about her a lot. I want to be around her all the time but we see each other probably 2-3 times a week. Its lame to be clingy but I really like her. How can I keep myself in check?

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

What do you think of my story?

Not bad! I really like it. Just a thought: you might want to watch out for redundancies and typos. I have a lot of trouble with making my writing sound sap-free and not cheesy, and I think you handled that well. I loved the way you made the Indian grandfather explain the things he didn't know about the "Bluebacks". I would make some paragraph breaks in the story, however, for emphaisis and to give the kid a chance to respond to what s/he (I don't know which gender) is hearing. I think the story doesn't sound fake, I think it sounds really good. You have a talent!

House of Saxe Coburg-Gotha to House of Windsor?

How did the current British Monarchy from Germany wind up in England and what process did they take to do it?

Week 11 questions and more... witten,keller,V.Young and Pierre Thomas?

Ok I got my starting roster and its a power house! Few questions about my bench #1 should I infact start keller over witten. Keep in mind I'm a Texans fan and don't really want to start keller unless I absoutley need. If some how anybody thinks witten will have a good game because he's kitnas "patsifire" please let me know... ok now to my bench..... by the way thanks... 1. When is pierre thomas expected back? 2. will V.Y. or Keiland Williams be good for trading bait?

What is the best way to ask in ping where I could hide...?

Bring it to Borneo and hide it under the leaf canopy of the rainforest. Once you've parked, come on over and I'll make you a cup of tea,

Why did humans get rid of the absolute monarchy?

Absolute rule does exist still. Usually these rulers such as Fidel Castro, the guy from North Korea and in recent history Sadda Hussein hide behind the idea they are dictators. But, dictatorships are meant to be temporary. In order for there to be Absolute Rule the people of that country have to be either ignorant or opressed and there aren't many ignorant people left in the world.

Is this him flirting?

who cares... you need to quit being so direct. he knows he can have you whenever he wants. make him earn it.

What are the odds the Broncos get the number one pick next year?

1st off, Jay is completely wrong. Denver has Chicago's 1st round pick, still. Also, we've talked about this on your last question, Warren. The Broncos ranked 29th in total defense during the 2008 regular season, but they are fourth in the preseason (263.0 yards per game). The offense is clicking. Orton is ranked 5th (not including what he does tonight against Chicago) for ping yards. Too many people read the media garbage and buy into the hype because of their inability to think for themselves, do a little homework, study the stats and make their own decisions. I will be writing professionally about the Denver Broncos for Fan Huddle beginning Sept. 7. I do my homework. I have a lot of insight as to what the team will and won't do. More than these bandwagon bashers and others who have no football knowledge. They need to learn to think logically for themselves and stop believing all the negative hype that is strictly biased. Denver will be in the top 10.

How to use >>Triumph >>> Facebook Application.?

How do you effectively use your arsonists, thieves, spies and ins? I have no idea how to play but im learning i think please fill me in

Are we justified to have faith in what we cannot prove?

I am on a debate team in my philosophy cl and i'm on the affirmative side, I really do agree With this but need help arguing why i agree with it. no more than faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.could you all please help me argue this. Thank you sooooo much

Big,Big, Concert this Saturday...Who's going besides ME?

It's gonna be CRAZY,happening in a little town with a population of 50,000 people,there expecting around 70,000 people!!! The bands are ZZ TOP, BIG SUGAR,COLLECTIVE SOUL,FINGER ELEVEN,GORD DOWNY from THE TRAGICALLY HIP & many others! It's a 10 hour show, I'm going with many,many friends...It's gonna be some PARTY!!! Hope to see you there!! You Going?

Am I being shallow by wanting a smarter guy?

No you aren't shallow at all. If you settled for a guy who wasn't really up to you intellectually, wouldn't you be looking elsewhere all the time? You're honest with your feelings, a good trait. I like the more intellectual women too and usually have to look for older women. Not that much older, ten years usually does it. The girl I live with is great, but that's the one area she falls short in.

Why is ozone a polar molecule?

Can someone explain why ozone (O3) is a polar molecule? I thought that polarity was based on the differences in electronegativity between atoms and the geometry of the atom. I thought ozone would be a nonpolar molecule, since despite the bent shape, all of the atoms are oxygen, so they would be pulling the electrons equally. Apparently this is not true; why is it polar, and where would the dipole moment be pointing?

Whats your thought on the bp oil spill?

what do you think going to happen? earth quakes,sometype of a effect from this maybe nothing at all? how is this going to affect Florida, what on your mind

VOTE FOR GERARD! (MCR) Only 8 Days of Voting Left!?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Is Valentines day popular in Thailand?

Valentines day is very popluar among the young Thai people. Many in Bangkok go to Bang Rak (Rak meaning love in Thai) a district near the river around Silom and Satorn Area of Bangkok and get married on that day at the district office. I think a river cruise along the river at night is a very good idea for that day.

Anyone know the Conflict Resolution Procedure for General Dynamics ATP? Not getting paid OT.?

Contact your union representative, your HR office, your supervisor, your local office of the federal Department of Labor. Take your pick.

Leaving for bootcamp in a little over 2mo's and just met this girl?

she works at the gym i go to and in one of my cles (college), she's relallt nice to me and waited a while to aske m out, guess she waited till i did and i never made a move so she did, but we havent even gone on a dat yet or hung out out side the gym. but we made plans for next weekend coz well i have a ton of homework to do and midterms next week. but should i go for it or just leave it at frineds. she's 23 and i, 22

Do you think McCain is ashamed he made 32 Propaganda tapes for the enemy when other POW's didn't ?

Noone knows what their breaking point would be. It's easy to condemn, when we have not been in the position of being tortured. And yes, he was considered a pow--we were on the side of South Vietnam which was at war with North Vietnam and he was caught by the North Vietnamese. By most he is considered a hero. ***

Start Ocho Cinco or Greg Jennings this week? 5 Stars awarded?

Non PPR league. Ocho Cinco vs PITT or Jennings against DAL? Who's the better play and why? Expierenced Fantasy Football players afvice preferred. Thanks guys!

This question is for bikers?

why do you have to ride in the middle of the road when there is more than enough space in the bikers lane?

Why are hot toys so high.?

example: a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Does walmart or target sale the movie master Joker figs anymore?

because my walmart has a peg for movie masters but they keep on saying that the shipment has not came yet

Will you help me name my new swamp?

Malveaux Swamp has a Cajun sound to it. (What could be more Cajun than a swamp?) And it's made up of two french roots -- mal and veaux. Mal is bad or evil. Veaux is calf or calfskin. So your swamp name would be Bad Calf Swamp.

Fantasy Football Trade Question Help!?

It is enticing because Manning and Gates are so good, but you don't exactly have slouches at QB and TE right now. I wouldn't make the trade because you need to hold strong at RB as well, and you go dramatically down hill in that category if you get rid of Jackson.

To neutralize 1 mole of sulfuric acid, 2 moles of sodium hydroxide are required.?

M is a measurement of concentration in moles/L. This means that you have one mole of H2SO4 (multiply 1L x 1 mole H2SO4/1L). There are two H+ ions for every 1 mole of H2SO4 and you need one mole OH- for every one mole H+ (neutralization is H+ + (OH-) ---> H2O)

What is the exact difference between a hydrogen bond and polar covalent? ?

If you look at a water molecule they obviously have covalent bonds, yet they are often labeled as H-bonds as well!? Clarification anyone?

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Vista Firewall Control?

I'm currently running Windows Firewall and Vista Firewall Control and need to remove Vista Firewall because it's prohibiting me from downloading new software/freeware. For example, I purchased System Mechanic Professional and it won't install because Vista Firewall is blocking it. I have searched everywhere on my computer so that I can remove it but I cannot locate the Vista Firewall application. Any suggestions? I would greatly appreciate the help.

Cramp problems????????????hlp plz (:?

k so i have this friend who has had cramps for like three solid months. What could be wrong? Should she go to the doctor? She has really long heavy periods, is not on birth control and has not been ually active. anything helps thnks. oh btw there prtty severe cramps :/ poor grl

Help..very..very PLease??!?

google it you should also try the ACT some colleges are looking more at the ACT with writing component. Good Luck,

Why do people post questions on here that are not in the form of a question?

I'd like to see those people on Jeopardy, even some dumbed down version of it. Alex would have aneurysm.

Good Poetry vs Bad Poetry -- Do You Agree?

I think you've been goofed - nothing ever sounded more artificial to me than Dylan's dime/prime rhyme. As for your industrialist references, that's more credence to your Rorschach theory than you might've hoped. Did you or did you not just deconstruct your own thesis? Well done.

Any advice and rating on my Magic Deck?

Well mono white decks are very good these days. You need more cards to make them better tho. Buying the white preconstructed deck from magic 2010 core set will help you a lot since it will add you cards like honor of the pure and elite vanguard, adding red to deck is fine in small dosis so you can splash cards like lighting bolt. Just note that making it a 3 color deck will slower it a lot since with white you want to play small and fast creatures. You made a good choice with your starter deck, stick with it and buy and get more cool white cards, buying 2 of the same starter deck helps too, two white zendikar decks and 2 magic 2010 white ones will help you make a solid strong deck, splashing red then its an option.

What did you think of the Ravens Steelers Games?

I think it was one hell of a game. Considering the steelers was down Ben troy Smith and Kamaoutu. And our 3rd string QB was playing good until the end but the Ravens showed heart and determination. Anyway what did ya think of the game.

Movies or TV series with realistic whipping scenes?

Devils rejects is pretty good for horrible torture scenes, and there is great film based on a HP Lovecraft novel, but i can't remember what it's called its about fish-people and someone gets skinned! that's pretty brutal

Please revise my short paragraph about a book i read!?

Wow!! That's great!! It makes me interested in reading the actual story since this is a style I've never read before. And that quote is amazing, and accurate too. I actually did an experiment about this in my literature cl and later in my interpersonal communications cl, it was quite interesting seeing how the same event looks different to different people.

What are some websites for free ringtones for your phone????

well my name is flo and i have just tried to find a ringtone on myxer and i can't find it on there so if you have any websites for free ringtones would you please tell me if not thanks for trying to help....

Question involving trigonometry quails?

If the Belgian mafia was after my couch-sucking vortexes that originated from my rainbow bicycle dishwasher, how many tablets of hexanide will it take to blow up a bus, and why would the astro zombies still be at large? At what time does my iguana collection spontaneously combust if 5+1=918959185? I don't understand that equation if the narwhals are feeding on Polish scuba coffee tables when the poptarts are in bloom in the fifth July of fozizle the 29th Alexander the hexadecimal explosive queenland. Molotov tails only work when paired with cardboard vaccuum cleaners on Venus when there is plenty of fluorescent blenders for the mutant caterpillars that I'm growing in my backyard aromatheraphy gardening hose. I wish I didn't have to take my 68 year old son to ukulele lessons, he can't ride the bus because he has to eat 29 legal chameleons, where am I going to find all those cabbages? My situation is unbelievable, I hope you people are able to chainsaw and be happy with my cherries.

Are expected results due to chance or are they arrived at mathematically?

While they are due to chance, it is safe to ume that since the probability is .25, that 25% of the offspring of Rr is rr. So the chance is found by math, which can explain what happened.

Torn between Engineering and Architecture?

I have a somewhat frustrating problem. I cant decide whether to get my degree in engineering (elec. or aerospace) ive always had a great deal of interest in aviation. But i started taking CAD and architcture cles my sopre year (ill be taking my third year of architecture as a senior in high school) and discovered i have a knack for architecture as well as a deep interest and appreciation for it. Being a senior I have to start submitting majors of intent for scholarships and keep on bouncing back and forth. Are there any degrees that fuse both engineering and architectural design?

I love this guy so much but he dont love me anymore.this new year hes with another chick,its really hurt.?

hes everyhting to me and i ever wanted to be with him for good,then suddenly it went all wrong,he cheated on me many times that i dont know,i just find out thru his i find out that he buy a ticket for other girl to come to his housed and spend the new year with him,itr really hurt,for me bec.i thought its only me the girl in his life,i really love him,but i should finish this situation,im always thingking of him,all the things he did to me,its like a nightmare to me evrynight,i gave evrything but he hurt me alot emotionally and mentally,how i can move on..pls help me

Why is France legislating thought and belief besides the sham of security? Liberal mentality?

While I'm also against this ban, I find it hypocritical that the same people ridiculing France for this are the same ones that are constantly in an uproar about the imagined possibility that Obama could be Muslim or that America is being taken over by Islam...

In great detail, please describe a "Nicotine urge" (smokers only)?

I've been smoking for 6 years. I smoke about 6-12 cigs a day. I think it is a nicotine urge. Just recently, because I've been sick, yesterday I didnt smoke after 2pm. I went to a bar last night for 4 hours and didnt have 1 smoke. That hasnt happened in about 5 years. I woke up today and lasted about 3 hours before I had to have a smoke. I think it was a nicotine urge. I had a strong pull to have a cig. I ALSO believe that its partly mental. Sometimes I might go a few hours and totally forget about smoking, until someone or something reminds me psychologically of it. I believe its a combination of both.

Could you pls help me correct my grammar on the SPA i made, as i granted my bro. a power 2sell our land?

To offer for sale and or negotiate with any third party/s on my behalf, enter into contracts for sale, execute conveyances, enter into any ancillary transaction and/or contract necessary to facilitate any such sale and to deliver any deed or other conveyance necessary to facilitate such transaction, to ask for, demand, process and sign receipts and/or doents and receive all monies in trust which may become due and owing to me by reason of such transaction.

What college should I go to?

I am currently in the Middle East, Kuwait and in high school at a private American school. I was just recently informed that I will be moving to the United States to continue my education in college, and I'm really nervous. I can't really decide between studying computers or biology right now, but I would like to know which colleges are good and in what state they are in.

WHITE AMERICA ,do you think that the term BIRACIAL is POLITICALLY CORRECT, or is it an OXYMORON ?

I think anyone who promotes racism is an embarrment to the nation. If you're not AMERICAN then you're in the wrong place.

What do you think of this trade?

I think its good for Milwaukee because they get a pure scorer in Anthony and a great off the ball defender in Camby plus they have Richard Jefferson in the mix. The Bulls just signed Derrick Rose so they really dont need Kirk Hinrich and with Mason they get a solid player coming off the bench and young talent in Villanueva. As for the Nuggets they get an excellent 3 point shooter in Michael Redd who can be a threat when Iverson s the paint and with Hinrich the Nuggets get a good point guard who can hit open 3's and is a step up from Anthony Carter and Chucky Atkins.

What do you do if you hate how people see you?

Well how do you know that is what people see you as? Its what you see yourself as, doesnt mean that everyone else does. As for your question are you really happy when you are being true to yourself, and are you really happy when you lie. Neither one will bring you happiness, so there is no point in pursuing those. You need to change your view on self image, and stop looking at yourself in a such shallow way, you are more than a body.

Guppy baby questions?

I got a ten gallon tank with about 30 Guppies today. One is having babies right now but the other fish are eating them so I put it in a plastic shoebox with about a gallon of water and a spawning mop I made out of fleece and a rock but the mom is getting very stressed out and stoped having babies. Will she calm down or should I put her back in the tank with the other fish. Also will the babies be ok without a heater tonight? Thanks

Is my computer good enough?

You've asked the same question twice? I think the fact you've got a 64bit os is the biggest issue you're going to have.

Monday, August 8, 2011


you will lose. you will also get sick and dizzy. this is a common posting. there is not enough food value in what you,re eating to keep the body healthy. you,re eating about 300 cals per day. you need a least a 1000 when losing weight, and that may have to be increased.

How do websites get away with revenge postings?

I see this all the time there is even a site where the girlfriend cheated on the guy and he put all their capades on the internet for everyone to see and get paid for them she is still trying to sue him

Can someone help me with alteration of generations?

I'm taking Biology 11 in summer school so we pretty much whizz by everything and up to a few days ago it was fairly easy, but now we've gotten to the plant unit, and it's getting really difficult. The teacher doesn't really go over everything that detailed so I have like no idea what's going on with this alteration of generations. The main reason for this is because of all this vocabulary like diplod, haploid, sporophyte, gametophyte, antheridium, archergonia, mitosis, meiosis, etc. I don't even understand these and even when I search up the definitions it does not help me at all. I was hoping that someone could explain this stuff to me in simpler vocabulary so I can somewhat grasp this concept. Thanks =/

What practice is 'out there' that everyone is 'doing', yet you never thought it would 'catch on'

I thought Chuck Norris jokes would have gone out of use a long time ago, but people still use them. I don't know how those trading card games like pokemon keep lasting either.

Can you use an in text citation for a whole paragraph by just placing it in parenthesis after the paragraph?

This is for in-text citations for MLA style paper. The whole paragraph pretty much needs to be cited from one source, but is it okay to only place it after the whole paragraph in one parenthesis?

Are women in the Czech Republic and the Ukraine approachable?

So, I'm deciding on a trip to Eastern Europe and I will try to learn a few words and phrases in Ukrainian and Slavic. However, once in Prague and Kiev, are women approachable and friendly, or are they as paranoid as american women when foreigners approach them?

Have you ever .....?

i hate the everyone knows best pushy people. I believe each person knows their own body and what is wrong with them. You certainly had a day out though haha

Did I properly cite this according to MLA?

Go to then go to the bottom and select noddle bib express. This will help you cite anything you need and in any style.

Need everyday casual clothes, I'm fashion challenged!?

Go On the show "How do I look" they pick outfits for you,make-up,and hair. I signed up for my aunt and it worked out great.

How to move on from your first love? (not teenage love)?

We broke up with my boyfriend about a month ago. We have been together for almost 5 years from the age of 17 (he was 18). He has been my first and only love. We did break up 2 years ago as well, because he has found another girl, but he came back and I thought that after this we would never separate again. But he has found another girl again. We met twice after a month after the break-up because he has been calling me and telling me he was missing me. We spent the night together and I felt that he does love me still, but not as much as before. He is still with the girl and he does not call me for some time now, as I was too cynical about his new relationship. I try, but I cannot move on... I really cannot imagine my life without him and don't know what to do with myself to get over this. I try to keep myself occipied all the time, but if I just think about him for a moment, I feel so empty and so miserable. I know... time will help, but how to untill this time would come??? Thank you!!

Why are video games so disgustingly violent and gory these days?!?!?!?

sadly, this is what the children like these days and the marketing companies will do anything to make money. It is a shame because children are getting bad ideas from video games and telivision

Is this relationship even worth it?

He's a very selfish guy who puts his needs before yours. I know it's hard, but if it's not going anywhere and he won't listen to what you have to say, it would be better to finish it. You will be broken hearted, but are you not broken hearted already?

What is a great beginner parrot besides a atiel?

I have studied about all beginner parrots, including lovebirds, conures, senegals, parrotlets and others......are there any I have forgotten? I have experience with finches, as I own two, so I am quite keen on a bird's needs, but I do not like atiels, and I don't know why......What would be your best pick for a beginner parrot? I like the sun conure the most, it is so beautiful!!!!!

My mums feels as if shes gonna die :'( help me please ?!?

It doesn't necessarily mean a brain tumour. I have such serious and painful migraine that it affects me like a mini stroke and the pain is so intense. Get your mum back to the gp and ask to be referred to a neurologist. Just as an indication I have now sorted my issue, although I have suffered like this for about 10 years, and I take Amitriptyline tablets at bedtime - haven't had a serious headache since. Migraine, if this is the case, is extremely debilitating. Many women suffer migraine because of hormonal issues. Getting a good nights sleep is also important - my medication helps me sleep well. I really do sympathise - I felt my life was so badly affected it was causing me to be depressed, but I have now found a relief from this. See the doctor again and again if necessary

What Ties did McVeigh have to Islam?

He went to the phillipines and may have gone to abu sayef terrorists for bomb training. Before he went, his bombs didnt work. Afterward, they did.

Real High School Musical singers....?

Do Zac Efron, Vanessa Hudgens, Ashley Tisdale and others actually sing the songs in the High School Musical movies or are they sung by someone else and dubbed in?

Were these just drunken ramblings and slip ups from my friend? What are your thoughts?

I do have an answer for you and I hope you take this to heart and the most important, your thoughts and how you react to certain situations. Being drunk is no excuse for this so called friend of yours. First of all I would not trust her. You really do not know what exactly the relationship is between her and your ex-boyfriend. Also a true friend would not speak to in the way she has. Maybe she does have mixed feelings about her uality.In that case you want to stay away. Whether or not she was drunk I do believe people say things they really feel and do not have the guts to say it when they are sober. If this friendship was really worth it I would tell her what she said to you(although I think she knows) and just confront her. See what her reaction is. And for you I think you do know whats up. You sound like a nice person who may have a self-esteem issue.Try to change the group you have been hanging out with as you are moving way too fast for your age. Positive people have positive effect. I know this may sound out of reach for you but you could do something that will give you self-esteem and that is to volunteer in your area. This would be so good for you and you WILL meet dynamite people. Every town has a help-line and they have all the would need.Or just google it. You could work with animals, children or the elderly. What ever catches your interest. I believe you can do it, and it is a lot of fun.I hope and pray you will follow my advice.This will surprise you as to how awesome you will feel.Forget about hanging out with people who bring you down.

Disney Themed Birthday Party, costume ideas?

Hey, I am going to a birthday party (In June) Its considered quite a big deal, so i've gotta get my planning started. I have been killing myself to get a flat tummy - which I achieved, and I want to show it off at the disney theme party. Princess Jasmine was my first preference, but the birthday girl wants it, so i'm not going to argue with that. I am not too sure about going as Ariel because of the tail, and I don't know if there are any designs that don't look silly for a green tail. I am blonde, blue eyes, about 54kg (110lb) and medium height. I don't mind dying my hair to suit the costume, but can somebody please help with an idea??? Thanks!

Best xbox or xbox 360 games pls????(see details)?

best xbox or xbox 360 besides: lost planet, gears of war, halo, halo 2, call of duty 3, rainbow 6 vegas, ghost recon AW(360), quake 4, FEAR, perfect dark zero, battlefield 2? pls!!!!!!!!!!!!!oh, and they must be available now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Where to look for up and coming bands?

Alright, I personallyI can not stand the rock/hard rock/metal scene right now. I'm a fan of bands like RATM, Tool, Korn, AiC, Pearl Jam, Slipknot, basically all that good 90's style rock/grunge/metal. Right now rock and metal seems to be trying to go mainstream. All this bullet for my valentine and avenged sevenfold crap is terrible. I need to find up and coming bands that are putting out demos that are staying true to the genres we love. Where do I look? Is there a site that all these bands migrate too to get there stuff out there? Can you recommend me any good up and coming bands? I'm just looking for that raw energy that used to be in bands like Nirvana and RATM that seems lost now. Someone please help me lol!

I lost my voice, I have a bad sore throat, and congestion?

Okay so on Thursday I woke up in the morning and my throat burned. I figured it was like you know, sometimes when you wake up your throat hurts but you drink some water and it goes away. Well, it didnt and I didnt think anything of it and I went to school. The whole school day I couldnt concentrate, my throat burned and I was extremely tired, and I just didnt feel well. I went home and the next day when I woke up, my throat had gotten worse. I lost my voice, too. I took some mucinex, and some motrin, NyQuill, all that stuff, and I had cough drops but nothing really seemed to help much. I also developed a cough and a minor headache. I had a slight fever, and I was very very tired. Today, I woke up and my throat hurt just the same. I had NyQuill emediatly and it seemed to get rid of my cough, and im coughing with a lot of phlehm. But nothing really helps my throat, except for drinking a lot and having throat drops. I was really congested, too. My cough had tons of pleghm and it burned. And my saliva was really thick, to the point where I just wanted to spit it out. I sneezed a few times, blew my nose, popped my ears, coughed up phlegm, and had mucinex, and now my congestion isnt as bad. But I still have a bad sore throaat and im generally not feeling well. What do I have? Is it serious? Should I go to the doctor?

What should I carry in my clutch?

I'm going to a formal banquet, and i just would like to know what things i should carry with me in this very small purse. I'm thinking lip gloss, powder, mascara, a little lotion, and my cell. What would suggest?

An ethnic Sikh reporter threw a shoe at an ethinic Tamil Minister & no action taken against a northern Indian?

why dont yo send your message to tamilnadu people and sona &co why are you wasting your time writing on this forum as no one is interested in reading your stuff. better write osome where where it can be read. this forum is not election forum so just do not waste your energy and if you have the courage go and do what you can by throwing your shoes onanuy one of your choice

A few questions about being catholic?

I asked those same questions, growing up Catholic. The lack of a sufficient answer made me an atheist.

Would it be ok to do this for my guinea pig?

It will be fine. I have a 2x6 C&C cage and buying bedding is way too expensive and messy so i use fleece and towels. In the "kitchen area" of their cage i have a litter box where their hay is and they poop a lot in it which makes the fleece easier to clean and it smells less, this way i only have to buy a little bit of bedding and not a lot.

MOMS ever get attached to your maternity clothes and you dont need them anymore?

You might consider keeping them and make a memory patch quilt out of them. It's a wonderful way to be able to make something useful for your child(ren). It can be a crib quilt or a twin sized one. You can have their birthdate embordried on a corner block of the quilt or some other significant day (such as their baptism). I've got one each for my two oldest girls and it makes me smile still when I see it.

How do i make steak thaw faster?

I need it thawed by 5:00pm tonight. Its 1:45pm right now. I have it defrosting in the microwave, but it doesn't seem to be thawing at all. Please help!

Osama Bin Laden and the Genie?

Osama bin Laden was kicking around some rubble left over from the latest bombing, and found a copper jug with a wax plug. He pried off the plug and out popped a female genie; "How may I serve you, Master?" she inquired.Osama was not impressed. "Don't need anything from a female!" he said, churlishly."But Master, I MUST do SOMETHING for you, or I have to go back into confinement! Please! Isn't there anything I can get you?""All right!" snapped Osama churlishly, "Tomorrow morning, I want to find three American women in bed with me, ready to do what they do best! Now, get lost!""Your wish is my command!" said the genie (miffed), and vanished.The next morning when Osama woke up, he had Lorena Bobbit, Tonya Harding, and Hillary Clinton in bed with him; his was gone, his leg was broken, and he had no Medical Insurance.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

2001 Isuzu trooper, have a blinker (light) problem?

Started car this am, Right indicator light stayed on for my right signal, when i flipped right signal on it did not flash. While driving, the Left indicator came on and off. So I turned on my flashers, they all worked. I turned my flashers off, stopped the car, put on my indicators to the right then left, they flashed but also my dash board lights. I did notice on thing the right tail light remains on when I have the parking lights on and switch is off. What needs to be checked or replaced. All bulbs are working.

On General Hospital, why does Tracy chase after Luke? He loves Laura. Why do the writers let her be degraded?

I know what you mean. Tracy does not play 2nd fiddle to anyone. She is her own woman and she would have thrown Luke out on his years ago for the crappy way he's treated her. I hate it when writers take an otherwise strong and intelligent woman and make her a slave to love. It is degrading. Besides that, Luke doesn't seem to really fit w/anyone else, in my eyes. For me, Luke and Laura will always be the supercouple of all supecouples. I wish they'd bring Laura back for good or send Luke off to live w/her off-screen. Even though I've always though Luke and Tracy are fun/funny together, I've never really liked them as a couple.

What is the College Football Team that has a "mountain goat" mascot and begins with N*?

I just got an awesome jacket from someone, but I don't know what team it is. All know is that it is a College Football Team in the USA, and the colours are: black, yellow, with white stripes. My friend who gave the jacket to me said that there was also a jacket from the same team that had navy blue, yellow, and white stripes. Help?

Has one ever run into an arrogant or angry Santa Claus?

Yes, one time the Santa was trying to get my son to smile so he grabbed a stuffed toy and smacked me in the face with it, it made my son laugh but it made me angry, then Santa got was so funny in the long run though. I still laugh about that one.

Can I form a LLC by myself, or do I need partners?

LLC is really the simplest form of a corporation, and yes, unless your state is totally bizarre, you can establish it as a sole proprietorship with no partners. The main thing the LLC does is separate your personal liability (as in when DBA) from your business. Try Also, in my county in NC, it is very easy to do through the courts. They have an LLC formation information packet with necessary paperwork. Call the courthouse before you spend any money. They can't advise you, but they likely have the necessary can always amend later....good luck

My mom's 23lb ragdoll cat bites her when she leaves this normal ?

Since I am getting all my pet questions out tonight lol.. My mom has a 2 yr old Ragdoll cat 23lbs--yes she is way overweight and I have told my mom this even for a ragdoll she is a SEACOW..she has rolls on her rolls...anyways ..she does some of the craziest things - my main concern is -- whenever my mother goes to leave she will follow my mom and bite or attempt to bite her foot or leg before she leaves --not enough to draw blood but she can leave a mark at times..she then screams and cries by the door for at least 15 mins after my mom is CRAZY!! She only does this to my mother and another example of her antics mother will be watching tv and Prissy will jump up and bite her on the toe or foot for absolutely no reason --and my mom's foot will be totally still --she does a lot of really smart and cute stuff as well --but I swear she is bipolar and to reinforce that belief --she is a tortie point and one side of her face is blue and the other is cream -- i like to call her Dr. Jekyll/Mr Hyde minute you can be petting her and she is purring and then next if you ruffle her fur the wrong way while petting her she will grab your hand with her teeth or take of and hiss .. she is psycho -but it makes her interesting I I know she is purebred she has papers from Trex dolls ragdoll in SC -they specialize in really LARGE ragdolls but she has exceeded I do believe anyways i don't think for a minute she lacks the fight or flight skill some say ragdolls lack lol.. anyways ok I'm done --just thought I would share her crazy behaviors so I can confirm with my mother her cat IS abnormal lol

Does the WWE draft have any value at all?

At least with the NFL draft there are HOURS LONG discussion by the greatest mind in collage football in Mel Kelper and a million clips of the players in action or highlight reels. WWE just says the next pick is ______ and has a match. Its not like new stars are being made or give title shots. Hell I remember poor Charlie Haas on stage doing nothing but standing around killing time....oh wait that was the money give away.

Crate training a 10 week old puppy?

We have had our lil boxer for 2 weeks now. Everyday since she has been placed in her crate and everyday she cries for at least a half hour if not more! We have a 2 yr old bulldog the we crate trained and no problems at all. In fact he loves his crate. This new puppy is murder. We tried putting the crate in our room, downstairs so she couldn't see us, blankets over the crate, comfortable bedding, toys and our own shirts! The worst part is once she gives in she sleeps for at least 4-6 hours before waking up to go outside... She just hates it in the beginning! I don't know what else to do. My fianc� is ready to scream since he can't sleep and there are times she gets sooo upset I'm afraid she is going to hurt herself! I truly believe in crate training but this lil thing wants nothing more then to snuggle and touching her family! If anyone has had this experience or problem... Any suggestions would help! Thanks in advance!

Am I possibly depressed?

it sounds you just need an activities which bring other changes in life . you need a chance to take a breath , other thing that you usually do which are tiring and redundant ,. meditate more and talk to a psychologist or religious clergies .

Did you hear about the Memorial Being Vadalized on Veterans Day and Thousands of Flags being broken? Thoughts?

lucky for them they weren't caught on the spot. Because I'm afraid someone would have really killed them. That could have had a horrible end for the person who killed them

Will using first aid antiseptice on a pimle help reduce its size or redness?

I have this huge zit and since this stuff has povidoone-iodine, which helps bacteria, will it help my pimples? Thank you for your answers in advance!(:

What wolfrace alloys would look good on mk5 golf?

I really want some wolfrace alloys for my mk5 golf but dont know what would look the best.It's a silver golf btw. Any help would be greatful thanks ;)

Fishing HELP!?

I've got a b tournament tomorrow and the weather has hit the skids. All last week was in the 80's and now it's in the low 40's. The barometric pressure is high 30.15 and steady. Forecast tomorrow is high of 44 low of 20 and high pressure still. The lake is a power plant lake and water temps are high already. B were on bed last week. With all this being said what should I expect the b to be doing? Where will they be? How can I catch them? Any tips will be much appreciated. Thanks.

Cat with various issues...and the vet "doesn't understand what's going on"?

I am sorry that I do not have true advice other than it sounds like he is dehydrated at least a bit. I would get a second opinion. I had a kitty who went through the bladder crystals, and he successfully went 7 years after with no problems, but an office cat of mine got them at age 6 and had to be put down :( The whole crystal thing seems to have no real rhyme or reason. Just want to let ya knwo your not alone! Good luck to you and Frankie!!!

Mailman riddle...?

AAhh, give me a minute. Is it 2, 2 and 9 since 2x2x9=36 and one is the eldest (9) and 2+2+9=13 which could be a door number

Uncontrolably staring at lights, big problem, need a diagnosis!?

Hi, this is a detailed question. I need many replies to have an idea of what the problem is. If you have an idea of what my problem could be, please answer. Here we go. I am an individual with autism (high functioning Aspergers Syndrome), Bipolar, and ADD as well. I have all 3. My problem is very frustrating. I have an eye problem, a very frustrating eye problem. Me and my sister ask about this a while back on her account. Though she was not descriptive enough which this time I will be. When I was in 10th grade and in marching band, the problem suddenly started one day, the field for practice had of course tall field lights, with halogen bulbs. This one day I'm just looking around when we have a break, and I take a glance at the lights for a half of a second, not meaning to stare, all I was doing was lookin around cause I was board. Once we got off of our break I noticed my eyes began looking upward, my face would be staring straight ahead but the eyes NO!!! My eyes had become fixated on the brightness of the lights. And even when I wasn't facing the lights, all my eyes did was stare upward. I could only get them to stare down or straight ahead for splite seconds at a time. This became very frustrating as it was uncontrolable once it started. My eyes would eventually calm down after practice when I went home and would go into a dark room or cover my eyes for 15-20 minutes. At practice it would suck because sometimes half an hour to an hour of the way into a 3 hour practice They would start doing it and wouldn't stop till I got home, I went through hell trying to look where I was going for the formations! Eventually I told my band director that sometimes I would have to walk off the field and sit on the side for 15 minutes covering my eyes till it went away. He said it was OK. I also started wearing a ball cap and sungles and they helped some. most of the time temporarily. This problem even accured a football games sitting with the crowd obviously because of all the bright lights. I even had it happen one day when I was in drivers ed when we were driving towards the sun. And I told the teacher that he had to have the other student drive. I did p drivers ed though, but havn't aquired a license yet. Now I am 21, out of high school and work at FedEx at the Indy Hub, The eye problem happens there too, I work night sort, and it probably happens due too all the bright lights everywhere lighting the place. I have worked there for a year and a half and have had it happen numorus times. I have recently told my manager and team leader about it, and told them it may effect some of my work, they said it is ok, just try as hard as I can. They have allowed me to wear sungles. It helps most of the time. I have noticed it mostly happens in cold weather but sometimes in warm. In cold weather I wear a snow cap and full cover sungles, and it helps (prettymuch), in warm I wear a ball cap and my full cover sungles. My parents know about the problem and my Dad say unfortunatily I will most likely not be able to ever drive because I would have to let the BMV know about the problem. People joke aout the gles at work, I tell them it is for an eye problem not looks. I really would like a name of what diagnosis or disorder this may be. So I can tell people why I wear the glasses and try to find help. Is it the cold weather, the halogen bulbs, I know its definatily the lights. Is it also cause of the Autism, Bipolar, or ADD, or all 3 together??? Please I need answers. Know one I have ever talked to has ever heard of this kind of problem, and some people laugh and think I am Bullshiting! Is it an eye or mental problem or both??!!! Please, I need a Diagnosis. REMEMBER WHEN ANSWERING! THIS IS AN UNCONTROLABAL STARING PROBLEM!! I can only stop for split seconds at a time. i STARE UPWARD ONCE IT HAS STARTED IT KEEPS GOING!!