Monday, August 8, 2011

I lost my voice, I have a bad sore throat, and congestion?

Okay so on Thursday I woke up in the morning and my throat burned. I figured it was like you know, sometimes when you wake up your throat hurts but you drink some water and it goes away. Well, it didnt and I didnt think anything of it and I went to school. The whole school day I couldnt concentrate, my throat burned and I was extremely tired, and I just didnt feel well. I went home and the next day when I woke up, my throat had gotten worse. I lost my voice, too. I took some mucinex, and some motrin, NyQuill, all that stuff, and I had cough drops but nothing really seemed to help much. I also developed a cough and a minor headache. I had a slight fever, and I was very very tired. Today, I woke up and my throat hurt just the same. I had NyQuill emediatly and it seemed to get rid of my cough, and im coughing with a lot of phlehm. But nothing really helps my throat, except for drinking a lot and having throat drops. I was really congested, too. My cough had tons of pleghm and it burned. And my saliva was really thick, to the point where I just wanted to spit it out. I sneezed a few times, blew my nose, popped my ears, coughed up phlegm, and had mucinex, and now my congestion isnt as bad. But I still have a bad sore throaat and im generally not feeling well. What do I have? Is it serious? Should I go to the doctor?

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