Monday, August 15, 2011

Im fighting with my dad to much now wat shuld i do?

Ok well im 16 and am going through a ruff time its been like this for a 2 months now. Im kiked out of school this is wat started it i got kiked out and i was above average at everything but now i work at my dads restaurunt and i find it ok a bit stressful thts it but i hav ADHD im not a phsyco or anything im normal but recently jst ive been going out of control i do pot at parties now and drink a hell of alot lol and i dnt know but my dad relli anyoies me now he's got this girlfriend now and me n him used to watch Tv till like 2am at weekends a fair bit ago and other stuff but now this chik has changed him completly since shes got here tht was like 1 month ago i relli hate him now im livin at his house but not mums(thts another real long story) but yeah now hes wierd he doesnt even tlk 2 me at his house shes always with him andshe tells my dad to turn my tv down and he does and a whole other **** and i tryto fight him this month ive tried fighting him about 7 times now i dnt know wat to do anymore plzz hlp ...........................and try to mind the spelling thnx

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