Wednesday, August 17, 2011

What should I do? Should I call him?

Ive been seeing this guy for 4 months now. We have may times. I thought our relationship is just friends with benefits. He confused me sometimes bec of the words he was saying to me like one night that we have . he say you love me, you love me. I dont know if he is asking me or he just saying it and then he said that he wants me. I didnt answer him back. Its been 3 weeks now I havent seen him. He send me txt msg but he never call me. One night I ask him about what he meant the other night about saying you love me, you love me. He answer me, your buddy. And I ask him do u still want me to be around or not? and he said yes. And I ask him if he wants me or not. He said, Only friends yes I do. He is leaving pretty soon on sept to Iraq. He told me that he will figure out things when he come back. What should I do? Should I say how I feel about him? Or just wait for his call. Please advice me.

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