Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Queation about coughing baby?

My daughter is 8 Months old. She had croup 7 days ago and has had a runny nose for around 3 weeks. She started with a normal cough about 2 days ago and has tonight coughed so bad she made her self VERY VERY sick. she has also coughed up a little mucas, not sure what colour it was it just looked mucky. she isn't struggling to breath, doesn't really have a temperature and seems ok in herself. Im just worried if i leave it until tomorrow (more than 12 hours) to make a doctors appointment that it will get very bad. Im considering ringing my GP out of hours service but am unsure of what you can ring them for and whether i should just take her to A & E or whether i am just being paranoid and should just let her carry on sleeping, which she is doing now and see what happens. I dont want her to end up REALLY ill. I had bronchitis a few years back that nearly turned into Pneumonia, it was horrid, I dont want my daughter to go through the same.

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