Sunday, August 7, 2011

Uncontrolably staring at lights, big problem, need a diagnosis!?

Hi, this is a detailed question. I need many replies to have an idea of what the problem is. If you have an idea of what my problem could be, please answer. Here we go. I am an individual with autism (high functioning Aspergers Syndrome), Bipolar, and ADD as well. I have all 3. My problem is very frustrating. I have an eye problem, a very frustrating eye problem. Me and my sister ask about this a while back on her account. Though she was not descriptive enough which this time I will be. When I was in 10th grade and in marching band, the problem suddenly started one day, the field for practice had of course tall field lights, with halogen bulbs. This one day I'm just looking around when we have a break, and I take a glance at the lights for a half of a second, not meaning to stare, all I was doing was lookin around cause I was board. Once we got off of our break I noticed my eyes began looking upward, my face would be staring straight ahead but the eyes NO!!! My eyes had become fixated on the brightness of the lights. And even when I wasn't facing the lights, all my eyes did was stare upward. I could only get them to stare down or straight ahead for splite seconds at a time. This became very frustrating as it was uncontrolable once it started. My eyes would eventually calm down after practice when I went home and would go into a dark room or cover my eyes for 15-20 minutes. At practice it would suck because sometimes half an hour to an hour of the way into a 3 hour practice They would start doing it and wouldn't stop till I got home, I went through hell trying to look where I was going for the formations! Eventually I told my band director that sometimes I would have to walk off the field and sit on the side for 15 minutes covering my eyes till it went away. He said it was OK. I also started wearing a ball cap and sungles and they helped some. most of the time temporarily. This problem even accured a football games sitting with the crowd obviously because of all the bright lights. I even had it happen one day when I was in drivers ed when we were driving towards the sun. And I told the teacher that he had to have the other student drive. I did p drivers ed though, but havn't aquired a license yet. Now I am 21, out of high school and work at FedEx at the Indy Hub, The eye problem happens there too, I work night sort, and it probably happens due too all the bright lights everywhere lighting the place. I have worked there for a year and a half and have had it happen numorus times. I have recently told my manager and team leader about it, and told them it may effect some of my work, they said it is ok, just try as hard as I can. They have allowed me to wear sungles. It helps most of the time. I have noticed it mostly happens in cold weather but sometimes in warm. In cold weather I wear a snow cap and full cover sungles, and it helps (prettymuch), in warm I wear a ball cap and my full cover sungles. My parents know about the problem and my Dad say unfortunatily I will most likely not be able to ever drive because I would have to let the BMV know about the problem. People joke aout the gles at work, I tell them it is for an eye problem not looks. I really would like a name of what diagnosis or disorder this may be. So I can tell people why I wear the glasses and try to find help. Is it the cold weather, the halogen bulbs, I know its definatily the lights. Is it also cause of the Autism, Bipolar, or ADD, or all 3 together??? Please I need answers. Know one I have ever talked to has ever heard of this kind of problem, and some people laugh and think I am Bullshiting! Is it an eye or mental problem or both??!!! Please, I need a Diagnosis. REMEMBER WHEN ANSWERING! THIS IS AN UNCONTROLABAL STARING PROBLEM!! I can only stop for split seconds at a time. i STARE UPWARD ONCE IT HAS STARTED IT KEEPS GOING!!

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